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  • 10


    After trying several natural deodorants without any results, this is the solution! My first try with this Lavanila deodorant was on a 3 hour hike (I used the Pure Vanilla) and it pulled through way better than anything I used. I haven't had any BO problems since-even when I work out! And I love the way it washes right off. The Pure Vanilla smells just like sweet powdery vanilla and the texture of moreit is like a powder solid. I've been dealing with hormonal imbalance and as a result my BO has been problematic. Not just that but for a while I've been wanting to go the natural route due to most anti-perspirants causing annoying build-up and not standing up to the sweat/odor. My go-to prior was Secret's Oprah Stress deodorant but I'm super grateful for Lavanila and their deodorant line.
    swankycyn | 4 reviews

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  • 5

    Smells nice, had high hopes for this one

    This works ok but I'm not 100% about it. I felt like I had to re-apply a few times throughout the day. Need my money back. And to keep looking for one that actually works that won't cost me an arm and a leg.

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  • 9

    Love this stuff

    I love this deodorant. I've only used the coconut kind, so I cannot comment to the other scents, but I assume they would all work the same. When I became pregnant, I stopped using antiperspirants per my hubby's request. I've tried a few natural deos with NO luck, but reviews rated this one well. It holds up very well. I am a sweater & this kept the funk away. Now, if it's a hot day & I've more working outside sweating a lot, it does need to be reapplied. But on an average day, running in & out of A/C or outside not being too active (like a BBQ) you're covered. I didn't give it 10 stars because it is a bit pricey, but I keep buying it!
    JulieRader | 26 reviews

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  • 9

    Pure Magic!

    I never really needed deodorant or antiperspirant, until I had my son...and turned 35. Talk about a major hormonal shift! Suddenly I found myself with stinky underarm b/o. I have tried all sorts of deodorants, from liquid, white solid, gel, roll-on, and those "clinical" strength deodorants. None of them worked! I even had to buy a stick of deodorant to keep in my desk drawer at work because morey through the day (of sitting at a desk, not even doing anything strenuous) I would be stinking again. I think it was on this website that I read about Lavanila deodorant, and decided to give it a try. I already LOVE their perfume, I wear the Vanilla Grapefruit in the summer. I bought the Vanilla Lavender at Sephora, and holy wow! No b/o AT ALL. I can't really say if it does anything for perspiration, because I've never really had an issue with sweaty pits. But the fragrance lasts all day, and sometimes I get a little whiff of it, and it smells just as fresh as when I first applied it, so I know it's still working. The texture is similar to a white stick deodorant, but for me at least, it feels a bit cold when I first apply it. After that, it dries (mostly) clear, and I don't have to reapply! I took away one star because it's pretty expensive for a deodorant, but for me personally, it's worth every penny to NOT STINK.
    ebbdeco | 2 reviews

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  • 3

    Nice scent when you put it...

    I wish it works on me... but unfortunately, when i used it a few hours after, I was just stinking. As many other deodorant I tried. It didn't work at all on me.
    virginie_sermet | 56 reviews

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  • 2


    While I think the scent is wonderful and does not irritate my skin, it does not work for its intended use. I wanted to love this product and for it to work because of the natural ingredients but it didn't work. Everybody's chemistry is different, so 'reactions' may vary so I recommend buying it on sale or finding (if possible) a sample to try it out first as it is quite expensive to other deodorants and nothing makes it worse than when you spend + 10 dollars on a weak product.
    Beautyrae | 22 reviews

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  • 10


    I have been using deodorant with aluminum in it for my whole life. I've wanted to switch to an aluminum free deodorant but the ones I tried never seemed to work strong enough for me. On a whim I bought this at Sephora one day. Let me tell you, at the end of the day my armpits don't stink at all! This stuff works better than regular deodorant with aluminum in it! I'm so happy that I bought this product.
    kimmy1480 | 99 reviews

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  • 10

    The way to go for a Healthy Deodorant

    I wanted to try this deodorant for a long time to get rid of my regular aluminum filled deodorant, but I didn't want to spend the money! I am so glad I did! It is totally worth it to use this healty deodorant. I admit I was skeptical about it's effectiveness and got the new travel size in Lavendar. It is way better than I thought it would be! The scent is not too strong and doesn't give off a mored odor once I have gotten heated. It works great! I love the lavendar scent but can't wait to try some others as well! Love everything I have tried from this Healthy brand!
    ctunstall | 45 reviews

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