The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Kevyn Aucoin The Precision Brow Pencil

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    Ok, the reason I didn't give it 10 stars is because it could be more water resistant and I'd like more of a color choice. (Need more of an ash-tone)and it's 24 dollars USD. Other than that, THE best brow pencil I have used!!!!! The Brunette color has NO red tones. It is a neutral medium/dark brown. It's long-wearing and I love the narrow lead which allows for more control and fine tuning. I recommend!
    Melies | 62 reviews

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  • 10 Eyebrow Mistakes You're Making

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 9

    Best Product for those of us who are obsessed with Brows!!

    Thanks to all who wrote reviews on this product, which is what pursuaded me to try it!! This is the best eyebrow enhancer ever. It looks very natural and that isn't easy to find when it comes to blondes! This product stays put all day but comes off with cleanser easily. I will never go back to using anything else!!
    BEAddict | 8 reviews

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