The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    my favorite smoothing lotion

    For some reason the skin on the back of my legs gets really rough, and this is the only moisturizer I've found that actually smooths it. The lotion is definitely very fragrant, which I'm normally fussy about, but I happen to like the smell (it's sort of flowery-musky) and noticed that although it seems strong when the cream is right out of the bottle, the scent actually fades pretty quickly on more skin. Also, it's worth it for the smoothing action! I'll go for whatever's the most effective, and this one definitely works.
    littleapple | 8 reviews

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  • 6

    Goof moisturizer for those who can tolerate fragrance

    This is another emollient moisturizer from La Roche Posay, good for dry sensitive skin. There is a fragrance added to this product, however, so those with extremely sensitive skin should take note. I bought it upon the advice of a company rep and did not think to check for fragrance. The product is so gentle that I only had a minor reaction, and those with normal to mildly sensitive skin would moree no problem with this cream. It was moisturizing, but mildly irritating, which is a surprise in a La Roche Posay product.
    cbcbcb | 5 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  4 of 4 people said helpful

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