The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Rene Furterer Triphasic Anti-Hair Loss Regenerating Serum

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    Unless you like to throw money down the drain then I do not reccomend this product. My Dad was all excited when he bought this but he was quite disappointed after using it
    Rachelyeee | 7 reviews

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  • 8

    Worked for me!

    I used the series of hair loss treatments from Rene Furterer and it worked, but was very expensive. After the treatments I changed to Bumble n' Bumble scalp treatments known as steps, 1,2,3,4. It's a miracle! My frizzy dry hair looks healthy again.
    janwiles | 4 reviews

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    Luv it!!!

    The quality of the product is very good, we don't have a similar thing here in Brazil! I always had problems with hair loss but this one really help me, after the first week i noticed my hair wasn't falling down so much ( sorry about my english)
    Daiane | 1 reviews

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