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  • 1

    Not What I was Expecting coming from Aveeno

    I was surprised and saddened that I did not like this lotion that much. I am constantly slathering my body with lotions and wanted a quick absorbing yet moisturizing lotion for quick touchups throughout the day. I applied this lotion and did like how quickly it seemed to absorb, but after a few minutes I found that this lotion felt really, really "rubber-like" on my skin. When I went to rub my moreskin to feel how soft it would feel after a few minutes, my hands would get stuck and not even rub with my skin texture. I did not like it at all, however, I am in love with several other Aveeno products, so this is just one of those things.
    Tiffanys_Face | 133 reviews

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  • 8

    really moisturizing

    i didnt think this product would work for me.. but after i tried it for a few days i was hooked! i usually put this on my legs after i shower and ive been doing that for about a week now. I have noticed improvements on the dry skin on my legs! it feels softer,not as dry and smoother,which i really like,since im known for really really dry skin.I even use this as on my face and it hasnt irrated it moreor clogged my pores. One bottle of this has lasted me a pretty long time and i use it almost everyday.But for me i needed reapply about maybe 8-10 hours later. Overall its a great product for the price!
    ChocolateChip | 4 reviews

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  • 10

    Love it!!!

    I love this lotion, first time i tried it at my sisters and since then i didn't buy different lotion. I use to have really dry skin and Aceeno lotion helps a lot, my skin is not dry anymore ( I use it at least every other day). Other thing why i like this lotion is that it doesn't have any smell, so when i wear my perfume smells doesn't mix. I would highly recommend this product!!!!
    dorota_jakubczak | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Love love love this lotion!

    Used everyday, this lotion WILL help your skin even out. I have bumps all over thebacks of my arms and this makes them go away. The thickness is just right and it doesn't feel greasy at all.
    Vinswald | 42 reviews

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  • 9

    Perfect for dry, sensitive skin

    I have dry, sensitive skin that can become unbearably itchy in the winter, so I need a lotion that will moisturize without irritating. I started using Aveeno about a year ago when stores near me quit carrying my former favorite lotion, Lubriderm Intense Skin Repair w/Itch Relief, and it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I use it every night after showering, and it lasts a full more hrs. My skin is never flaky anymore, and it never itches. This lotion is intensely moisturizing and long-lasting, but it never makes skin sticky or greasy. It doesn't clog pores either, so it's perfect for those itchy patches I get on my back and shoulders when the weather's dry. Love it!
    blueroses99 | 20 reviews

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  • 7

    Boy Lotion

    Ha, I say that because my ex BF used this on his tattoos and that's what I associate it with. I have, however, used it too. It's a decent no non-sense lotion, in that it's not overly perfumed. It does it's job.
    hollymarie | 26 reviews

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  • 7

    good lotion for dry skin

    This lotion has a nice smell and thickness. Really helps for dry skin. Fair value for the size of the bottle. Disappears into the skin and leaves a light shimmer.
    kayli | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion

    I have super sensitive skin due to auto-immune disease. This lotion is so soothing and non-irritating that I use it on my face and body. I can not use 90% of the other products out there and Aveeno is a God send. One of my daughters had super sensitvie skin and she uses it too. Thanks Aveeno!
    melissa_stevenson | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Absolutely Fantastic!

    This is a great daily moisturizer. I have very dry skin and when I use this, I stay moisturized and my skin feels great all day! It's not greasy, or oily. It smells fantastic and makes your skin so smooth. It's affordable and totally worth the price. Everyone should own this!
    HunnyPots | 36 reviews

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  • 3

    Doesn't Absorb Well

    I bought this moisturizer because of all the rave reviews and it was the reader's choice from Allure. I don't like this at all. I use this after my showers or baths at the end of the night. It doesn't absorb well into the feels sticky. I wake up the next day, still feeling sticky all over. I hate that sticky feeling and I can't imagine feeling that way all day if I was to put it on before going out and about. Will not be buying again.
    Lilacs | 21 reviews

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