The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    What a discovery!

    This is the first lotion that i ever used and you can't believe how happy i was when i discovered it works so well on my skin!!!!! I use it twice a day after cleansing my face, and it just removes all of last makeup and i just leaves the skin very smooth and absorves the oil without drying the skin!
    red.louboutin | 8 reviews

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  • 10

    The best toner!!!

    There is no alcohol in this toner so it's not overly drying. I love the way it makes me skin feel so fresh, and it smells so good. Use it you have an oily T-Zone.
    alyssab | 3 reviews

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  • 22 Best Toners and Astringents

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    Refreshing Yummy Scent !

    I love ALL Clarins products due to their smells. LOVE this toning lotion, feels SO good. Would recommend.
    MrsClayA | 25 reviews

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  • 8

    Great Product

    I have extremely sensitive and acne-prone skin. This product has been great for helping control the acne while not making me break out in eczema or a rash. Highly recommended.
    NikkiJ | 5 reviews

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  • 8


    This toner gets out that last bit of makeup after you wash your face. I use round cotten pads. It leaves a very refreshing feeling after use.
    TzoneGal | 91 reviews

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  • 15 Best Products for Oily Skin

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    The best toner I've ever used. Removes all oil but without that tight feeling that dries you out. The smell is great too.
    marlboro1220 | 105 reviews

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  • 10

    great product

    I love this product. It has powder in it to help absorb the oil. The oil control works great all day long too. This product works so well, I even splurge and buy this for my teenage daughter. This is definitely worth the price. Use twice daily.
    Kristinapril | 11 reviews

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  • 10


    Smells fabulous and has powders in it to absorb excess oil, yet is still gentle.
    Glimmermoon | 14 reviews

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