The Fashion Spot Momtastic

YonKa Phyto 58

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    Love Yonka products

    Like all the other Yonka products I've tried this cream is fantastic.
    dancarina | 114 reviews

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    this really works!

    this stuff really does work! usually, when i buy a acne cleansing treatment, it doesnt work and my face just gets dry, but this makes my face feel refreshed but at the same time cleaning it without the sting.
    WhereYouAt617 | 5 reviews

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    so we all have had a blemish the night before a date or on any random day yes but this makes the redness go away and the blemish and when your man reaches in to kiss you he will get a great bid nessling smell of perfection try it he will come back for more evey time
    lillid5 | 3 reviews

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