The Fashion Spot Momtastic

GoSMILE PM Tranquility Luxury Toothpaste

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6 Best and Worst Teeth Whiteners

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  • 7

    Good but a little over priced

    Tastes good, feels clean, but over-priced because the whitening is minimal.
    tess4h | 1 reviews

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  • 6

    Amazing flavor!

    I love this toothpaste for the unique lavender flavor, but I am not sure how much whitening it actually does. Pricey, but thankfully one tube can last quite a while!
    DyDark | 20 reviews

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  • 14 Worst-Teeth Cities

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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  • 7

    Great for Oprah, So-So for Me.

    This toothpaste was given to me as a gift from a friend who billed it as "Oprah's favorite toothpaste" - i knew I was in for a treat. You know she wouldn't waste her time with some crappy toothpaste. Well the first time I used it, I fell in love. It has a subtle, downright weird, lavender taste that It felt like my mouth was on a Caribbean vacation. When I found out the morece tag, my dreams were shattered. Oprah can afford to use this toothpaste on her dogs, but I guess I'll have to wait until next Christmas to experience this stuff again.
    lynnmarie | 5 reviews

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