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GoSMILE Touch Up- 7 Count

GoSMILE Touch Up Mini

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  • 3

    Not As Good As a Toothbrush and Toothpaste

    Before I review GoSMILE's Touch Up Mini, I have to give full disclosure: I have had my teeth professionally whitened, so my teeth are very white to begin with. However, I do like to keep my teeth looking sparkly throughout the day, and I thought this product might be a good option for quick touch-ups at the office. After working my way through a couple of boxes, I found that, although they do more a slight minty-ness to breath, they can't compare to a good old toothbrush and toothpaste. I didn't think that they made my teeth any whiter, and they weren't as good at breath-freshening as just brushing my teeth. Pretty disappointing.
    katiehaich | 53 reviews

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