The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    you feel sooooooooooooo good after a bath its not even funny i will always use this in may bath time!!!!!
    deatz24 | 8 reviews

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  • 10

    Avon SSS is wonderful

    What can I say about this product. I've used it for many years for many different things. I've used it for dry skin; I use the SSS Bug Repellant w/SPF 15 for when I am out in the evening and it works wonders. I used to use SSS on my dog when he would get a heat rash from fleas. Fleas also hate SSS and when I would bathe my dog in the SSS he didn't have fleas. I won't go a summer without my moreS in spray form. I use the original and the yellow bottle which I can't remember the name of right now-go figure! I'm out and waiting for my new bottles to come in. It's a great product and I highly recommend it for any skin condition.
    NCJune | 4 reviews

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  • 10

    Love It!

    I buy this product because I can not moisturize a certain spot on my back. So this product allows me to be able to reach and moisturize that area.
    yolandat | 5 reviews

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    All I Can Say Is...............WOW

    My son came into the house yesterday with TAR on his hands. I took him into the bathroom and searched for things to use. There was about 1/4 cup SSS oil. I stopped up the sink and poured it in. Had my son soak his hands in it(hard for a 3 year old to do).Used a pedicure brush and my hands. VOILA, no more tar.
    chrissy47 | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    Love this stuff

    I was handed a sheet from a Avon Rep with 100 ways to use Skin so Soft, there was one missing off the list GREAT for pregnant woman to use to avoid getting Strech marks, I used this when I was pregnant and I have no strech marks after giving birth to a 10 pound baby that is impressive. I tried other lotions, but I'll stick with skin so soft for the 101 reasons to love it!!
    ren2tlk | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    SSS for Dry Skin

    Used for years and love it. Good value for the money especially when on sale and free shipping.
    mobrad | 4 reviews

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  • 12 Best Stress-Busting Bath Products

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    Skin SO Soft - more than a name

    I am a certified Beauty Advisor with AVON. I have been told that my Skin is very Soft by others and the Irony of it, is that I don't even think about the fact that I use this product. Although it says Bath oil it's not oily at all. It softens the skin and it does not irritate my sensitive skin. This large size bottle last for a long time as well. Wherever you purchase it, it is worth every moret. There is also a Whipped Body Oil that complements the product. It is on sale now at youravoncom/lmuhammad. Tell me what you think about it once you try it.
    ExquisiteLooks | 1 reviews

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  • 5


    I love Skin So Soft...hate the smell of the original though. It does work wonders for repelling insects.
    opheliatrix | 29 reviews

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    An old time favorite

    I grew up with Skin So Soft, it is a must have around my home.
    Delilahv17 | 28 reviews

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    outsells the competition 3 to 1

    price has stayed within reach over the years, is the best known and liked in the world
    cabyn7 | 18 reviews

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