The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    It's a MUST-HAVE!

    After trying several natural deodorants without any results, this is the solution! My first try with Lavanila was on a 3 hour hike (I used the Pure Vanilla) and it pulled through way better than anything I used. I haven't had any BO problems since-even when I work out! And I love the way it washes right off. The scent of the Sport Luxe is more citrus like and fresh while the texture is more of more type that glides on. Such as a solid gel if that makes sense. I've been dealing with hormonal imbalance and as a result my BO has been problematic. Not just that but for a while I've been wanting to go the natural route due to most anti-perspirants causing annoying build-up and not standing up to the sweat/odor. My go-to prior was Secret's Oprah Stress deodorant but I'm super grateful for Lavanila and their deodorant line.
    swankycyn | 4 reviews

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