The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    I was really excited to try out this product. I've had good luck with this brand and was expecting another outstanding product. I was wrong. First of all, I got the lightest color I could, and it was still too dark. I mixed it with a lighter shade of foundation and it seemed to be ok. The two textures and consistencies were very different though. This consistency was very thick and mousse-like. more went on smooth and seemed to be a good finish. After about an hour, I was already super oily..and later on, I went from super oily to super greasy. It was not a pretty sight. I also seemed to break out horribly all over my face. Not sure what made me break out...but it took a long time to clear up my face. This foundation may be better suited for other skin types, but definitely not mine. In the trash it went.
    elizabeth_axe | 49 reviews

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