The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    I have used the cream cleanser and scrub that is in the same line, and they are all amazing products! What I love most about this moisturizer is that it doesn't clog pores. It has a light, refreshing scent and primes your face perfectly for makeup. It soaks into the skin quickly while keeping a good moisture balance throughout the day in your skin. There is no residue after it sinks in. It also mores spf and is extremely affordable. I would recommend this to everyone because I don't see how it would cause any skin type problems. It's not oily, doesn't clog pores, and moisturizes great throughout the day.
    hellokitty90p | 83 reviews

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    Daily Moisturizer

    This is an amazing product. I use it daily and I can see that my face is brighter.
    msnype | 1 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  3 of 6 people said helpful

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