The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Body Drench Whipped Chocolate Self-Tanning Mousse

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  • 7

    Messy but works!

    I used newspaper last time since first time got messy lol! Works great and tried tons and no orange hue in end .
    latinalava | 9 reviews

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  • 16 Best Bronzers

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  • 9

    Great Scent!

    I have tried many, many kinds of self-tanners. My skin takes forever to get even a hint of a tan, even in tanning beds, and I end up getting more age spots. So I have given up on tanning. I do like some color on my legs though. I bought this at a Women's Show. I have had some success in getting color with other tanning creams, but whenever I got hot, the smell started coming out! I really morete that tanning lotion smell! This mousse is easy to use and has a very pleasant, light chocolatey scent to it. Will definitely buy this again!
    shefrito | 2 reviews

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