The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    Absolute Must-Have

    I live in NYC where the changing seasons are really harsh on my fingernails and my nail beds/cuticles tend to get really dry and cracked. This cuticle oil was the best $10 I've ever spent. All you need is a drop for every two nails or so, and that's all you need for the rest of the day. Since then, my nails have been very moisturized and the splitting has completely stopped. The smell is very more, as well. I took off one star, though, because (and this may have been just the particular bottle I bought and not applying to all of this product) the bottle cap tends to not stay on, and one day I tipped it over without realizing and lost ALL of the oil to my carpet. =(
    Kokome | 25 reviews

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  • 6

    Pros & Cons of this one...

    The smell is invigorating and it moisturizes my cuticles but as for nail growth, Sally Hansen products work better.
    miss_tijera | 51 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  0 of 0 people said helpful

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