The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 8

    Love it

    I got this as a free sample and really liked it so I bought the full size. It absolutely melts onto your skin. It isn't meant to be a moisturizer so don't expect any kind of hydration. I know it's an extra step to your skin care routine but give it a try.
    libbykins | 69 reviews

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  • 7

    prepares your skin for your rich night cream

    i don't know why the first reviewer who gave it a 4 thought it was supposed to moisturize your face, because it's not supposed to. this product simply prepares your face for your night cream, and it's not supposed to be used as a moisturizer. when i put this on, it feels like it melts away the top layer of your skin like a peel, then when you apply on your night cream, your skin is able to more it really well. i am not sure if it's a product worth spending this much money for, but it is a great prep if you have an amazing night cream that cost more than this.
    Camncal | 19 reviews

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  • 4


    i think it works like a barrier on the skin to keep moisture in. i had to put this on and another layer of moisturizer. but when i wake up, my face is still oily.
    bfung01 | 16 reviews

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