The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 7


    this is such a good product ... cause it gives your hair a smooth and straight texture :]]
    christine12345 | 1 reviews

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  • 3


    I bought this flatiron at target a little less than a year ago. For about a month, it worked great with my thick, frizzy, wavy hair on the highest heat setting. It made it soooo shiny and soft (: After a while, my hair just got a lot of split ends and it would go straight back to being wavy in the summer time due to humidity. I used every product I could find to keep it straight, but nothing mored ): I purchased a CHI online for about the same price I got this one for (can't wait til it gets here :D) I would NOT recommend this flatiron, it's extremely damaging and only keeps hair straight until you walk outside.
    lagunababy10 | 2 reviews

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  • 9


    works great!
    AlbBeauty | 15 reviews

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