The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    Great Beautiful Product

    This stuff works better than my orbital sander as a debrider. It is also a great fill-in for Bondo if you do auto body repair.
    beautifulroach | 3 reviews

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  • 8

    satin is right

    healthy, glowing and bright, and the appearance of scarring is reduced, smooth as silk
    sophiepa | 19 reviews

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  • 6


    It's average, I can get the same thing from a cheaper brand
    tannypat | 3 reviews

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  • 8


    it helps and it feels good on my skin but the price is too expensive
    liliane | 5 reviews

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  • 5

    SO so

    Its nice and i like it
    vicky033092 | 39 reviews

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    expensive yes but with winter on its way you cant beat this product..exfoiliates and moisturizes
    DaillestMami44 | 3 reviews

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  • 2

    save your money

    I have ashy elbows and this helps me on that day only, prolonged use does nothing to prevent or keep the problem from returning or even lessen the problem. Much too pricey for one time solution.
    mamamia2121 | 6 reviews

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  • 7


    I have ashy elbows and this helps me a lot. A bit too expensive though
    genrefin | 17 reviews

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  • 9 Best At-Home Microdermabrasion Products

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  • 4

    Miracle in a jar

    Satin cream is fantastic. Your skin feels just like a baby. It is smooth, silky (not oily) and your man will love it.
    Larieb | 4 reviews

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