The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    great product!

    This is one of my favorites! Anything from this brand is usually extremely good quality, but this gentle dermabrasion really rocks! Cleanse, evens skin tone, leaves your skin refreshed and smooth. :)
    dorcol | 28 reviews

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  • 9

    The easiest way to acheive perfect, glowing skin!

    This was Origins' best selling product last year, and it is so easy to see why! Everyone is always looking for younger, better skin, and you can have it too with Modern Friction. A little bit of this twice a week will get you on your way. It has so many benefits - it minimizes the appearance of pores, it provides DEEP cleansing and exfoliation, it evens out skin color and tone. What more could you ask for?!? It's a miracle product and one of my absolute favorites!
    LaFashionista27 | 8 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  3 of 3 people said helpful

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