The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    the rolls-royce of hairbrushes

    I love this brush so much!! It's so great. I have fine hair and it really is the perfect brush for my hair type. So many hairdressers have wanted to buy this from me..i've had it forever. It is a classic.
    luxegirl | 10 reviews

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  • 8

    Feels good!

    I love this hairbrush because it feels great to your scalp when you use it. I have lots of fine, straight hair and this does the trick at the end of the day to get the hairspray out of it. It's a little more than other brushes but worth it. I've had mine for years.
    atsland | 19 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  6 of 6 people said helpful

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