The Fashion Spot Momtastic

Noxzema Clean Moisture Makeup Removal Cloths

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  • 9

    Cheaper than MAC's

    These are great wipes for the price. It takes the makeup right off gently and usually with not much trouble. The price is worth it.
    Alana_Danes | 58 reviews

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  • Ulta's 19 Best Skin Care Products

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    My favorite wipes

    I use makeup-removing towelettes as the first step in my nightly routine before I cleanse and exfoliate. I also use them to freshen my skin and remove oil when I stay up late and don't have time to wash properly. These remove makeup and oil gently but thoroughly, they smell amazing, and they don't irritate my skin or clog my pores. I have sensitive acne-prone combination skin, so that last factor is the most important to me. Can't beat the price either. Love these.
    blueroses99 | 20 reviews

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