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The Real All-Star Makeup Bag Essentials from TotalBeauty's Top Reviews

See the contents of the best (hypothetical) makeup bag, based on reviewer ratings of thousands of products
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Bronzer: Nars Bronzing Powder, $36 Average Member Rating: 9.4*
Why it's number one: This product "has the perfect amount of shimmer so my face looks matte but still has that 'out in the sun' glow," says one reviewer. She loves the "beautiful mocha color that blends with my skin easily and never looks like a dirt streak." Another reviewer adds, "aside from the unbeatable color, this bronzer lasts 24 hours, even through swimming." Another reader says that the Laguna shade "is universally flattering" and gives her a "gorgeous, sun-kissed look."

Runner Up: Bobbi Brown Bronzing Powder, $38

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*At time of publication

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Highlighter: Benefit Watt's Up, $30 Average Member Rating: 9.4*
Why it's number one: Reviewers gave this highlighter a top ranking because it gives them a "natural, gorgeous glow." One reader says, "instead of looking like I had makeup on, it looked like the glow belonged to me." Others describe the champagne hue as "very flattering," and "soft and dewy." They say the formula is "smooth and creamy" and "easy to build up and blend out" for your desired "intensity of glow." Readers also use it as an "emergency concealer" in a pinch. As for the price tag, reviewers say this product "goes a long way" because you "don't need too much." "Just a touch and a quick blend and you'll be gorgeous in a flash!" says one reviewer.

Runner Up: Laura Mercier Shimmer Bloc, $40

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*At time of publication

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Eye Shadow:  MAC Eye Shadow, $15 Average Member Rating: 9.3*
Why it's number one: Why do reviewers think MAC eye shadows are top notch? "The pigmentation is good, the lasting power is good, and there are TONS of great colors!" says one member. Reviewers agree that the amount of color available is one of their favorite things about this shadow. "They have colors available that I haven't even dreamed of," says one reviewer. "If you cannot find your color at MAC, you probably won't find it anywhere," says another. Reviewers also loved the blending element of these shadows -- they give eyes a "dramatic and clean look" that "doesn't smudge" and "is very long-lasting." They note that the shadows are "not cheap," but also say that "each little pan lasts for ages, even when used close to every day." Bottom line: "MAC will forever be my 'go to' for eye shadows," says one reviewer, a sentiment echoed by many others.

Runner Up: Urban Decay Matte Eyeshadow, $18

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*At time of publication Average Member Rating: 9.4*
Why it's number one: Called "the best eyeliner on the market" by a member, this product is loved by many because it "stays put," is "silky smooth and long-wearing," and "doesn't fade or smear." Says one reader, "I've never been particularly good at applying liquid liner, but then I bought an Artliner and I can apply it perfectly." "It glides on well," and doesn't "flake or wear off," she adds. Reviewers acknowledge that it is pricey, but also say that it "lasts a long time" and "never dries out."

Runner Up: Mac Fluidline, $16

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*At time of publication Average Member Rating: 9.7*
Why it's number one: "What great coverage it has," says one reviewer. "All I did was lightly dust the red areas after putting sunscreen on and viola! No more red patches. It was like magic, not to mention, it stayed put throughout the day so I didn't even need to touch it up." Not only does it last, it also "works PERFECTLY to set your foundation or use alone." It "truly evens your skin tone and disguises imperfections without emphasizing lines. Most other powders I've used get stuck in the lines of my face, but not this one," says a member.

Runner Up: Lancome Dual Finish Versatile Powder Makeup, $38

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

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