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2023 Beauty Trends Are Here — We're All Going to Be So Pretty

Optimism is the word
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Lifted, Fluffy Brows
Much like the skinny jeans, the skinny brows can knock all they want, we ain't letting them back. Nope. Not now. It's not them, it's us: we're just wildly uncomfortable with both. The laminated brow look is, thankfully, staying on for 2023. Thickness and shape should be adjusted to your specific bone structure, and you can do that either by brow makeup products or by a visit to a salon you've researched and trust.

Image via CoffeeAndMilk/Getty

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Blush Draping
The softer version of the 80's make up trend of structural, intense blush application across the temples will come out to play. Raising your blush up from the cheekbones in a C letter shape towards temples, to the edge of the brow (or beyond, if you wish!), in a soft swipe, will frame the face in a warm way.

Image via @the.vogue.vanity

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Boldly Colored Eyes
Single color or more, bright and visible is the way to go. You could go green, fuchsia, blue, but do use colors that can pop on their own and make them the center of the eye-ttention. It can pop even with a minimalist approach, using bright colors as an eyeliner, for example, if you feel like testing out a new look.

Image via Jonathan Knowles/Getty

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Velvet Nails and Textures
Sensory experience is where it's at when it comes to nail trends for 2023. Metallic, shimmery colors prevail in creating optical illusions (currently velvet fabric and new takes on French manicure), evoking the memory of a feel, while various ways of embellishing with textural decorations invite to be touched.

Image via @sansungnails

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Visible Lip Liner
This year saw us embrace the 90's trend which we've welcomed, mainly because it was toned down compared to the original — lips framed with a, visibly enough, darker (not black) liner than the gloss or the lipstick. In 2023 we'll be wearing lip liners matched with a gloss in a shade that is slightly lighter or completely different to the shade of the liner (think in the direction of pink and red, orange and pink, brown and coral, etc).

Image via @michelleclarkmakeup

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