The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 9

    LOVE it!

    I recieved this through a sampling program. It's thick and put on the face then left for 5 - 10 minutes them wiped off. The remaining on the surface of the face is then rubbed in. This is also Clary Sage scented as others in this line are. It is a very pleasant scent and not too strong either. I left mine on for a full 10 minutes. Most the mask was absorbed, at least it looked that way. I still moreped off a good deal and rubbed in the rest. It went in well and left my face feeling happy. Winter is cruel to my skin but this helped a lot especially when used after the Burt's Bees Cream Cleanser. As much as I liked it, I don't like the work.
    natalie_geraci | 2 reviews

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