The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    Excellent Product!

    My skin breaks out very easily, and I have decided to return back to this product. I have used it quite a while ago, until I started experimenting with other lotions. Now it's a comeback for me back to this product, so I'm hoping it won't disappoint. I put it on, and it soaked in well, yet leaving my skin velvety smooth. It is supposed to balance out the skin, and I like using it after cleaning more face with their Balancing Cleanser. It's another good product from Artistry. They both have a very nice and gentle scent. They also recommend using the toner, but I prefer not to put that much product on my face. I might come back later to write a review on how it's been on my skin. Also, I'd like to try more of Artistry face products.. so this is an exciting journey! Hoping for a better, clearer skin. :)
    lyudachka11 | 12 reviews

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