The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 7


    It worked wonders for me the first month, then after that I felt that it stopped working entirely.
    Carly2333 | 5 reviews

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  • 7

    It doesn't take much, and it works

    This scrub works well if you use just a tad bit if you use too much it will break you out more and cause more irritation. I personally use just a little before every night during "aunt Flo's visit", to me this is not a product to be used everyday on a regular basis if you're getting older and your skin is changing. Use sparingly and it should be fine.
    OGBlackHottie | 3 reviews

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  • 1

    Nope Nope Nope.

    Seemed to work well for the first week or so, cleared me up a little. My skin is not even oily, but this product made me look shiny and oily and gross. My face almost felt *slimy*. I continued use, thinking it would get better, but instead, my acne came back worse and with more vengence than it had before. Would not recommend unless your looking to turn into a greaseball.
    ginger907 | 3 reviews

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