The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    Awesome dry shampoo

    This is an awesome dry shampoo. I prefer the dry shampoo powders. They are less messy than the sprays and it's easier to control the amount of powder so there's less residue to brush out. This powder absorbs oil really well and gives me a nice amount of volume. It also smells amazing. I sprinkle the powder about every 1/2 inch or so, avoiding my part. I then massage it in like regular moreo. I wait about 20 minutes and then, if there's any residue left (often there isn't) I brush it out with a boar bristle brush (plastic bristles don't work for this maneuver). The residue brushes out easily and I get volume that lasts all day. It leaves my hair feeling and looking clean and fresh. This bottle lasts me several months although I use it several times a week. It has no nasty propellant like the sprays, which only last a short time. The best price for this product is on Amazon, btw. The powder is really fine and it doesn't leave a white cast in my hair at all. In fact, it often doesn't leave any residue at all. I even use it overnight and it works well that way too. This is by far the best dry shampoo I've ever used. I highly recommend it.
    dottiesj | 63 reviews

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