The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 6

    I don't know...

    I have used this 5 times so far and it looks to me that the machine is making me look worse than I was. Anyone else have the same reaction?
    phillygir1 | 16 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  3 of 12 people said helpful

  • 10

    Finally found a real solution

    Unlike all the other cellulite treatments I've tried before, the wellbox is totally noninvasive so I feel comforted to no its completely safe. Right off the bat, I loved how easy this machine was to operate ( the user manual clears everything up). As for results, I keep on seeing improvements and I LOVE IT! Ive used it for about 2 months (over 7 weeks), and I see the major difference in my more area (back of my thighs), and its really streamlining my figure over all. I need to take pictures to show you guys the difference its made for me. I also found that the facial treatments are just as good, it tightens the skin on my face and makes me look younger already. I'm excited to continue proper use and I'm sure you'll be just as satisfied as I am. The wellbox actually has an attractive design to, so i leave it out after I use it. I tell all my friends/ coworkers about it, and two of my girlfriends have already got their own and started treatment, what are you waiting for?!
    Gabbyisalibra | 1 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  26 of 33 people said helpful

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