The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    Non-greasy and very moisturizing

    This lotion is very moisturizing, making it my number 1 body lotion, and Norweigian Formula body moisturizer to be the second. I like this one better because of its non-greasy feel, its sun protection, and its very effective moisturizing property. Those are the only body lotions i trust now since i tend to get dry itchy crack skin especially on my legs all the time and these 2 never failed to moreore my body's moisture just after a day. I have very skin sensitive skin and this lotion gives me sun protection while moisturizing it. I really do not mind the smell much, but it's true that it has a strong sunblock smell.
    oleandel | 151 reviews

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  • 1

    Not so great

    I have pale skin and thought this was a great idea. It has an increadably strong sunscreen smell for spf 15. All day I smelled of sunscreen, stronger than a normal sunscreen. I have not used it since. It was a waste of money.
    littlelizzy | 12 reviews

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  • 7

    Smells too much like sunscreen

    If I were to use this daily, I wouldn't want to smell like it daily. It smells like traditional sunblock, blegh.. It;s a great moisturizer, but I'd only use this as a sunscreen for outdoor occassions not daily use. It's strange cause their actual sunscreens smell less like a sunscreen then this.
    Gojira | 19 reviews

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  • 4

    smells like sunblock

    I am very fair so I thought, how great, lotion and SPF in one, and I usually love Aveeno. Not so much with this. It seems really thick and pasty, it smells like pure sunblock and I can't tell where it helped my dry skin at all. I paid quite a bit more for this, becuase it has the sunblock, and I want my money back. I'll never use the rest of this bottle, it stinks.
    Cyandron | 8 reviews

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