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  • 21 Best Hair Treatments

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    Formulated with rich ingredients like argan oil and nourishing plant extracts, this deep conditioning treatment is designed for medium to thick, dry hair. Here’s an in-depth look at its benefits and drawbacks:
    SelinaShing | 1 reviews

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  • 10 Best Deep Conditioners

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    It is really good
    MarieDick | 1 reviews

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    This is my favorite hair product ever! I use it once or twice a week and it has completely changed my hair. Ive had an ombre/balayage for several years now and the bleach can be harsh on my ends but I was able to go almost 6 months without getting my hair done and at least once a week I had a friend or family member ask if I had just gotten my hair done because it looked so healthy and great. I can not recommend this enough!!
    kaylaroussel | 6 reviews

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    I was about 30 seconds from cutting about 2 inches off my hair and I talked to my friend/stylist about it and she told me try this first. So glad I did! My hair felt like straw because of an ombré and now it feels like silk. I'm actually obsessed with this stuff.
    bramandacon13 | 3 reviews

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  • 21 Best Hair Treatments

    Exclusively from the editors at Total Beauty

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    Way to expensive for the results!

    After I bought this my Avon representative urged me to try Avon's Moroccan Oil Leave-in Treatment and am so I glad I did! I got even better results...tons of shine, no more fly-aways and so easy to manage...for less than 1/4 of the cost of the other! Why spend more money than you have to for even better results?
    gardenlady | 4 reviews

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