The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 8

    Really nice!

    This is step 3 in a three part system for curly hair. There is a shampoo, cream conditioner, and this product. Overall I liked this product, though I noticed that it works best with the other two steps. The good: Smell isn't unpleasant and if used with the other two steps it really made a difference in how frizzy and unmanageable my hair was. The bad: Seems to work best with a three step morestem, and it was hard at times to get all 3 steps from my health food store. Sometimes I had to wait for a product to come in. It's also thin and watery so it's easy to over-use. I over all recommend it, but just keep in mind the above.
    thefragile7393 | 15 reviews

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