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  • 10

    A miracle.

    Creme De La Mer is the most restorative product I have ever used. Skin texture and elasticity is restored. Wrinkles are smoothed, scars are faded. Perfect for my super sensitive skin. I use the product in the winter, during the day and night. In the summer I switch to the lotion. It's expensive, but much less expensive than surgery and injections. I am 47 years old and people think I am much younger.
    Cmckee | 5 reviews

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  • 10

    Immediate changes but broke the bank!

    yes this is a great moisterizer ! My mother who has sensitive skin tried this years ago and got me hooked. When I put it on, I immediatly see a difference in my skin. It is very pricey, but it does last long cause you don't use a lot at once. I switch to the lotion during the summer cause the creme is a bit heavy.
    diadia | 24 reviews

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  • 10

    Expensive but Worth It

    I know this is expensive, but no other cream makes my skin so hydrated. You don't need a lot and a jar can last up to three months. I love it so much I wish I could afford all the La Mer products.
    Carolyne | 3 reviews

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  • 11 Worst Face Moisturizers

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    I have been a faithful user for 4 years now. Everytime I try a new product that has similiar claims I end up being dissappointed. This cream is the absolute best! It is heavier than most, so I only use it at night.
    KMcIver | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    LOVE IT!!!

    I was worried about paying so much for a face cream....though the price was based on the hype. Much to my (pleasant) suprise the cream is the best I have ever tried. I live in an extremely dry climate, and this is the only one that works!
    Samantha35 | 3 reviews

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  • 9

    I love this cream!

    I have used a lot of moisturizers over the years, and this one has worked very well for me. I have ultra sensitive skin that reacts to a lot of products. However, my skin tolerates Creme de la Mer quite well. I'm not thrilled about the price tag, but some online retailers offer mini sizes at a more affordable price.
    smcintyre | 3 reviews

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    This Stuff Spoiled Me!

    There was a time when I could afford this wonderful cream! Even my Husband noticed a difference after one use. I was hooked. Then something happened and my financial situation changed and so did everything else. Now I beg samples from wherever I can because NOTHING is as good a Creme de la Mer! I manage to make due with other brands but if I could have one more jar of Creme de la Mer, I more be a very happy woman! It takes years off your skin. So soft and smooth and the best part, healthy! Perhaps Santa will hear my plea this year. Just one more jar!
    Woostergraph | 7 reviews

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  • 8

    too expensive....

    I have been using this cream on and off, won a pot once in sweepstakes, and I do love it. I'm convinced it's a great cream. But does it really have to cost a fortune????
    B | 5 reviews

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  • 1


    I spent the money and used it faithfully. I saw absolutely no change. I can't understand why it has achieved the accolades that it gets. The only good thing was the little scoop that came with it; I use that only things that work.
    glorianardini | 3 reviews

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  • 11 Worst Face Moisturizers

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    It's totally worth it!!

    I'm 25 years old. After living for all of my life in the DC metro area, I've recently moved to the midwest for school. I have extremely dry, sensitive skin and rosacea and the cold winter wind makes my skin turn red and flaky. La Mer makes my skin so soft and it's no longer flaky. Most importantly, I have had no allergic reactions to the this product. If you have extremely dry skin, this is amazing and completely worth it.
    meightry | 70 reviews

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