The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    Noticable improvement in one week

    not greasy., light formula. Noticed improvment after one week.
    hawkette | 2 reviews

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    Better than the Expensive Brands!

    I've been a fan of Neutrogena products for 40 years but am frequently seduced by ads to try more expensive brands. My normaly oily skin began to get very dry in the winter when I reached my 40's. Neutrogena came out with the original Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream and I tried it. No more flaky winter skin! It is also light enough to use in the summer when I go back to oily and now that they make the SPF formula, that's all I use in the day time for moisturizer.
    TYRAMH | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    This stuff is great!

    I use this quite regularly. It brightens my skin, and really does work on wrinkles. I am 44 years old, and credit this product for regularly getting mistaken for late 20's - early 30's. I use it on my entire face, neck and chest. Because the price is so reasonable, I even use it on the backs of my hands to help them look younger. I love this stuff!
    jemjem | 3 reviews

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