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Mask Away Your Blackheads With These Pore Refiners

A mask a day keeps the pores at bay...
As with most Too Cool For School Products, this mask is super fun to use. It applies like a soft, foamy shaving cream and dries down to a firm, crackly finish. The soothing clay formula works to exfoliate and hydrate skin, leaving it deeply cleansed, dewy, plump and with less noticeable pores.

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This tingly, cooling mask was inspired by the "cold plunge" step in Scandinavian sauna tradition. It's full of soothing botanicals that work to heal problem skin and produce a mattifying effect for up to eight hours. Neem seed oil leaves skin soft and supple, while AHAs and BHAs encourage cell turnover, keeping pores clear and less noticeable. The turquoise mask makes for some great selfies and washes off easily with water.

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If you find most charcoal masks to be too harsh for your skin, you haven't tried Detox. The charcoal, diatomaceous earth and kaolin clay mask works hard to cleanse pores while remaining gentle enough for sensitive skin. Apply the mask and leave on for 15 minutes. As it dries, you'll notice it doesn't become tight or dry. Wash it off to reveal clear, healthy and remarkably soft skin.

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This unique face mask hails from New Zealand and is chock-full of natural ingredients that clear and heal problematic skin. Apply the gritty mask and let sit for 15 minutes. Splash your face with water, emulsify until it becomes creamy and then leave on for another 10 minutes. It contains a blend of coconut oil, kanuka honey and thanaka tree bark, which softens, promotes healing, kills bacteria and draws out impurities from pores. Try it several times a week for a brighter, less-congested complexion.

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Spread on a thin layer of this lightweight, creamy mask and watch your face explode with tingly bubbles. Sulfur works to kill bacteria, while kaolin clay detoxifies pores and soaks up oil and apple extract provides moisture to balance skin. Leave on for up to five minutes for fresh, bright, clear skin — it keeps breakouts at bay and won't strip your skin.

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