sign up for our newsletter to get free sample alerts average reader rating: 6.3*
Why: One reader says, "if I use too much [of the putty] it will actually flatten my hair." While another adds, "I think it was a little sticky." And one reader who also tried the product says, "I don't really care much for this putty. I feel that it's too sticky and messy. And it doesn't work very well with thick, heavier hair. The smell is okay, but it doesn't have much holding power."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average reader rating: 6*
Why: Readers say this product "doesn't have lasting power" finding that, "after hours it looked as though I hadn't added anything. I reapplied and again within an hour it was back to frizz." Another reader "hated it!" saying, "it made my hair feel disgusting — not soft at all. I threw it away after the second use." One reader says, "I tried it, but it really didn't define my curls, and it left a strange coating on my hair, which made it look dull and lifeless...not so hot."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

Disappointing, flaky and downright awful smelling are deal breakers for us. And no, we're not talking boyfriends ladies, we're talking hair care products — bad ones. The ones that make you cringe upon first use and throw your hands into the air screaming, "false advertising!" and wishing somebody, anybody, would have pried your hands away from the disappointing product before you swiped that plastic. Okay, we're being a bit dramatic here, but spending cash (even an affordable amount) on products that don't work is downright frustrating. To prevent you from falling into this trap of buying hair care products that suck — once and for all — we thought we'd share this list. Whether you have short or long hair, or even out-of-control curly hair and anything in between, there's a product out there that claims it can help — and alas, it doesn't. You've been there, we've been there and it's safe to say that we've all had it up to here (we're holding our hand to our forehead), with hair care products that just don't deliver.

Like hairsprays that turn your naturally wavy tresses into a helmet tough enough to house a mama bird and her three little ones; mousses that knot and tangle your strands instead of smoothing and adding shine; anti-frizz creams that make hair frizzier! You name it, we've seen and tried it. The hair care products on this list are so bad that we'd like to lock them up forever, but unfortunately it's not a criminal offense to sell bad hair care products (yet) so until then, check this list of eight hair care products to avoid when shopping at your local drugstore. Stick to it and you'll never waste your money on hair care products that make hair flat, frizzy, or smelling of bug spray again.

Image via Imaxtree
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