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Damage Demon
To combat breakage and damage when flat ironing or curling hair, use a heat protective product with ceramides, like Vavoom Gold Heat Iron-In Volume Protective Dry Mist, $14. The formula actually adds conditioning agents to your locks so they look gorgeous -- never fried or over styled, Townsend explains.

Aside from the obvious, superficial allure of shiny, healthy hair, there is a deeper, more anthropological explanation of why it appeals to men. Interestingly enough, one accurate indicator of health is hair. Healthy women have lustrous, shiny healthy hair, whereas the hair of sickly people loses its luster. So there you have it -- men prefer to procreate with healthy women (with shiny, sexy hair to boot).

But after wreaking havoc on our hair from habitual blowouts, bleaching and beyond -- is our hair shiny? Um, not so much. How do models and celebrities manage to rock such beautiful hair though? We went straight to the source: pro hairstylists, like Doug DiCiano, Marc Marcell, Danilo, Hallie Bowman and Mark Townsend as well as models from coast to coast. The result: 12 fabulous, fresh, and easy-to-follow laws for getting and maintaining soft, shiny, strong, healthy hair. Bye-bye, breakage; see ya, flyaway strands; so long, dull and lackluster hair.

You'll find out:
What shine enhancing hair cocktail you can mix up the night before a big event
How to tone down your heat styling habits

Why you should switch up your shampoo and conditioner The water temperature you should use to wash and condition your hair
How often to trim your hair to keep it healthy
Which hair care products serve as a barrier between your hair and an elastic
How to keep blonde hair healthy
Why you should lay off the hair elastics
How to use oil olive to moisturize strands

Why Marsha Brady was on to something with all her hair brushing
What hair mask yields the most shine
The water temperature you should use to wash and condition your hair
What hair care products to use along with heat styling

Phew, the list goes on.
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