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Play with your toes
Lipka says that in reflexology, the toes are the gatekeepers to the reflex points in your neck and head, and most importantly, your brain. Playing with them can relieve built-up stress. So that's why we all love the massage part of our pedicures.

Lipka says to give your toes gentle tugs after a long day to stimulate your brain and allow for it to relax. If you have a doting hubby or loved one who is also a bit stressed, you can perform toe holds on each other as well. Toe by toe, hold each one individually between your thumb and middle fingers applying gentle pressure for up to a minute.

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Calm headaches with oils
Hoyt says that essential oils can help people who suffer from migraines because unlike synthetic scents, found in many beauty products, natural oils won't likely contribute to headaches. They also help to stimulate the "immune mechanisms of the body, regenerate and oxygenate new cells, and promote emotional, physical and spiritual healing," explains Hoyt.

For relief of tension headaches you can:
*Inhale a few drops of lavender or rose oil from a tissue, or apply a drop directly to the temples -- these oils are safe for the skin.
*Ask someone for a firm massage on the neck and shoulders using a massage oil blended with: four drops lavender, four drops peppermint, and four drops rose

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Calm headaches with touch
The hands hold some of the most important secrets to relieving headaches brought on by tension and stress, says Lipka.

To get rid of migraines through reflexology on your hands you can:
*Squeeze each finger, one at a time, with your opposite hand. Strongly twist each finger several times like your trying to open a nail polish bottle. Repeat on the opposite hand until your headache starts to subside.
*Apply gentle pressure on the web of skin between you index finger and thumb for about 30 to 60 seconds and repeat until you feel relief.

Check out other body massage therapy techniques that can help alleviate tension.

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Take a soothing bath
We already know how relaxing it can be to simply soak in a long hot bath, but to up the relaxation ante after a hard day, try adding some aromatherapy to your tub.

For a PM bath:
*Fill a new, clean pantyhose with oatmeal, lavender, and a hand-full of dried rose petals. Tie the stalking over your bath faucet as you let your bath fill up with hot water and soak away your troubled day.
*Or add four drops of lavender, four drops of chamomile and two to four drops of eucalyptus straight into your warm bath water and soak for 20 minutes.

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Clear your mind
You can't accomplish all your "to-dos" each day if you don't start with a clear mind. Which is why Hoyt suggests using aromatherapy in the shower before your mad dash out the door. It'll help reduce mind clutter and allow you to focus as you start your day.

In your AM shower:
*Fill a coffee mug with steaming hot water and add 10 drops of peppermint, 10 drops of lime and 10 drops of rosemary essential oils. Place the mug near your head (where your shampoo usually sits) and allow yourself to breath in the scents as you shower.

Let's start with the obvious assertion that the world we live in is a hectic and overwhelming place. Now let's move on to the less appropriate reaction we often have to this frenzied existence: total freak-out, meltdown, why-me?, fists-banging-on-the-floor tantrums that are scarily as reckless as Britney Spears shaving her head (a health and beauty cry for help that landed her, among other celebrities, in The Biggest Beauty Blunders of All Time photo gallery). Or, even more dramatic, we suffer from depression, over eating, insomnia and a host of other serious side effects from the heart-attack king known as "stress." See how to relieve stress and body tension now.

Not only is stress bad for our brain, our body and our heart; it's bad for our beauty. Seriously, your natural beauty can't shine through when you're experiencing body tension and stress-induced anxiety, which causes wrinkles, acne and other skin care issues that even the best makeup can't hide. Simply, your health and beauty are at risk when you are stressed out.

But what's a busy gal, who's concerned about her health and beauty, to do? We are expected to have as many balls in the air as Bozo the Clown and we are supposed to look way better than he does doing it. Fair? Not quite. Unfortunately we can't stop the constant emails, or ask our bosses to lay off a bit. Stress and tension are facts of this crazy life.

So before you bite your nails into stubs, break a capillary or have a meltdown cry fest on your tiled bathroom floor (it happens to the best of us), try these tried and true ways to make your life less stressful through aromatherapy (the use of essential oils to fight stress) and reflexology (an ancient alternative medicine that can relieve body tension through pressure points on the body) and reap the health and beauty benefits they provide.

Before you can use these essential oils, you have to know which oils work to relieve stress. Here is a quick cheat sheet of oils you can find at health food stores (think Whole Foods) or a spa:

Oils for stress relief and relaxation:
*Ylang Ylang
*Clary Sage
*Cedar Wood
For a full list of what each essential oil can do for you, visit

Now check out these tips from Lather founder and aromatherapist, Emilie Davidson Hoyt, so you can use these oils to the best of their abilities, then see how reflexologist, Cristina Lipka, uses simple tricks to reduce stress and body tension.
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