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It's official -- we're obsessed with mascara. If this is surprising to you, let us back up that statement by waxing poetic on all of the reasons why: First, it instantly opens up our eyes. Even when we've been burning the candle at both ends, we still manage to look awake thanks to this fabulous eye makeup we call mascara. Second, it makes us look like we actually have eyelashes -- even those of us who were blessed with blonde (aka invisible) lashes or super fine and stubby ones. Third, it creates an instantly feminine, polished makeup look. Even if it's the only product we take time to apply, it helps us look pulled-together.

Skip ahead to see the list of the 12 worst mascaras now.

So now that we've convinced you that mascara should be the go-to product for all women, it's time to let you in on a few other tidbits. Like, not all mascaras were created equal. How do we know this? Well... let's just say that we've tried enough of them to prove it. What's even better is that our readers have too. Thanks to them we have a list of the mascaras that produce lack-luster lashes (try saying that three times fast). Peruse their feedback to learn which mascaras you should steer clear of -- unless you want flaky raccoon eyes, of course. And hey, if you unknowingly bought one of the eye makeup products on this list already, these mascara tips may help salvage your look:

Tip 1: Improve lash separation by applying your mascara in a swift, zigzag motion from lash root to tip as opposed to one sweeping motion.
Tip 2: Dab the tip of your mascara wand on a tissue to get rid of the glob that tends to form there. It will prevent you from getting uneven, goopy product distribution.
Tip 3: If you use a lash primer, particularly a white one, wait 10 to 30 seconds for the primer to dry before applying your mascara. It will keep the color from looking diluted (i.e. gray instead of black).

See the worst 12 mascaras now.

Image via Imaxtree average member rating: 4.6*
What you said: "I expected a better color with the golden green (no gold tinge at all), but the real problem was that it runs and smudges with seemingly no rubbing necessary! I know it's not waterproof, but I've never looked in the mirror after an hour of no rubbing and seen raccoon eyes before." -- milkweed1972, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average member rating: 4.6*
What you said: "Love the packaging, love the idea, not a fan of the product. It smells weird, like plastic and chemicals, so I didn't enjoy even opening the tube. The brush is nothing special -- wiry and painful if you accidentally brush your eyelid as I sometimes do before I have my coffee. The mascara itself is a good super black but my lashes feel like straw about to break and they look tangled, spiky and odd. I don't have a review yet of how long it lasts or if it smudges because I just put it on, but if I weren't at work I would take it right off! It's been 10 minutes and I can smell my eyelashes. Let me say that again: I can SMELL my EYELASHES. That's not right." -- eakwave1, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

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No. 10: Avon Daring Definition Mousse Mascara, $7.99 average member rating: 4.2*
What you said: "This is hands down the worst mascara I have ever used. It flaked, smeared, and ran almost immediately after application. It did not matter how little you used, it would still turn into a mess. I love most Avon products but this has to be the worst I have ever tried." -- red1978, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average member rating: 4.2*
What you said: "I have extremely short lashes and this mascara promised to make them longer and stand out. It did nothing such as that. It clumped what little eyelashes I had together, it smeared very easily and dried out quickly." -- ckc0808, member

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

It's official -- we're obsessed with mascara. If this is surprising to you, let us back up that statement by waxing poetic on all of the reasons why: First, it instantly opens up our eyes. Even when we've been burning the candle at both ends, we still manage to look awake thanks to this fabulous eye makeup we call mascara. Second, it makes us look like we actually have eyelashes -- even those of us who were blessed with blonde (aka invisible) lashes or super fine and stubby ones. Third, it creates an instantly feminine, polished makeup look. Even if it's the only product we take time to apply, it helps us look pulled-together.

Skip ahead to see the list of the 12 worst mascaras now.

So now that we've convinced you that mascara should be the go-to product for all women, it's time to let you in on a few other tidbits. Like, not all mascaras were created equal. How do we know this? Well... let's just say that we've tried enough of them to prove it. What's even better is that our readers have too. Thanks to them we have a list of the mascaras that produce lack-luster lashes (try saying that three times fast). Peruse their feedback to learn which mascaras you should steer clear of -- unless you want flaky raccoon eyes, of course. And hey, if you unknowingly bought one of the eye makeup products on this list already, these mascara tips may help salvage your look:

Tip 1: Improve lash separation by applying your mascara in a swift, zigzag motion from lash root to tip as opposed to one sweeping motion.
Tip 2: Dab the tip of your mascara wand on a tissue to get rid of the glob that tends to form there. It will prevent you from getting uneven, goopy product distribution.
Tip 3: If you use a lash primer, particularly a white one, wait 10 to 30 seconds for the primer to dry before applying your mascara. It will keep the color from looking diluted (i.e. gray instead of black).

See the worst 12 mascaras now.

Image via Imaxtree
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