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No. 10: Too Faced Lava Gloss Super Glossy Eyeliner, $16.50 average reader rating: 6.5*
Why: Readers say this eyeliner is a "big disappointment" and their "high hopes [were] dashed" after trying this product. Though it "goes on easily with intense color," it only "looks great for about five minutes" before "smudging immediately." One reader says, "I have to be careful and check to make sure it's not all over my eyes" before going out. The eyeliner is "virtually non-existent by midday" and, says another reviewer, "I've never had eyeliner smear so much." Another says, "after a few hours it looks like you've been punched in the eyes," leaving her to think "there must be better eyeliners out there." A few other readers find that the liner "also seems to make [their] eyes irritated and watery" after using it.

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication average reader rating: 6.5*
Why: For one reader who has used a range of eyeliners, from the "super cheap to department store-priced eyeliners, this eyeliner is the worst." The marker tip "feels rough on the eyes" and for another woman, it "[dries] out before I even get to finish lining my eyes" and it "flakes off, leaving little black dots all over" her face. This eyeliner is "almost impossible to use over any kind of eyeshadow" since "the tip drags along [the lid] and picks up shadow" as it is being used. Color payout is also an issue, as many find the color "watered down" and the black version "not dark enough," leaving a "light line that is barely noticeable" for an eyeliner that's supposed to be "ultra black."

Agree? Disagree? Write your review here.

*At time of publication

We constantly hear women talk about how much they love mascara. "My mascara this," "My mascara that" they rave. They go on and on about how crucial it is to their eye makeup routine and how well it works to make their eyes "pop."

And while mascara is awesome and can do wonders, we think that when it comes to adding drama to the eyes, it's all about the eyeliner.

In fact, a good eyeliner might be the most important eye makeup tool ever invented. When you have a good one, it can kick any mascara's butt on any day of the week. That's right, we said it. But before all you mascara-obsessed cronies bust out the pitch forks and hang scarlet letters around our necks, hear us out.

Yes, mascara will open your eyes and enhance your lashes. But for women with ho-hum lashes and small eyes (a complaint of oh-so-many), it's eyeliner that has the unique ability to add intense drama to the eyes. Heck, it's the eye-enhancing jack of all trades -- a great multi-tasker, effective eye brightener, and eyeshadow substitute.

Skip ahead to see the worst eyeliners now.

Now, it's important to keep in mind that we are raving about the stellar eyeliners of the world, not the ones that bleed, run, last for two minutes, or have zero pigmentation. We are in no way advocating the use of sucky eyeliners, which unfortunately can sneak their way into your makeup bag if you aren't careful.

So in an effort to have you fall deeper in love with good eyeliners, and steer clear of the bad ones that have failed women numerous times over, we've rounded up a list of the 10 worst eyeliners ever. Read 'em. Know 'em. Never buy 'em.
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