You may or may not be familiar with the term perioral wrinkles. These are the fine lines that occur specifically around the mouth and lips, which is one of the first areas on the face where wrinkles develop. These wrinkles have a tendency to look worse with time, and are usually caused by sun exposure, genetics and smoking. However, there are numerous treatment methods to help get rid of wrinkles around lips, which will give you a younger appearance as a result.
Fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm offer immediate results to treat wrinkles around lips by plumping the skin where the wrinkles are present. Botox injections can also be given directly to the wrinkled area, which will the block the chemical signals that cause the muscle to contract. This will make your skin appear smoother. However, these filler treatments only offer temporary cures and will have to be repeated in order to maintain a wrinkle-free appearance.
Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are other options to help reduce wrinkles around lips. With microdermabrasion, a machine with a wand is passed over your skin, applying a light suction that uses aluminum crystals to sandblast your skin. A fine layer of skin is removed as a result, stimulating collagen production and allowing fresh skin to grow. With chemical peels, a substance is applied to the top layer of your skin, which will then burn off, revealing new skin underneath.
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by EricaC123 Friday, December 28, 2012 at 05:00PM Report as inappropriate
wish I could do a laser, nothing as creams or what not do not do anything. Wish they would make lasers more appropiately priced.
by ShanthiDevi Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 11:37PM Report as inappropriate
It's truly a battle-I've done injections-chemical peels and creams with great promises-they do return-maybe if we walk around expressionless that would help-but in the real world lip lines do happen. I found applying a hydrating cream on the lines (day and night) and even covering them with a light weight paper tape (so if you roll over you don't add more creases) does help a lot. Ladies-we will forge ahead.
by BlondeBabe Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 02:14PM Report as inappropriate