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How To Get Rid Of Rosacea Redness

How To Get Rid Of Rosacea Redness

Learn how to get rid of rosacea redness once and for all

One of the most frustrating and noticeable symptoms of rosacea is a flushed, reddish appearance to the skin. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments available to help control rosacea redness on the face. Your dermatologist can prescribe you a topical treatment to help wit this, typically a lotion or cream that may include retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, corticosteroids, sulfacetamide and metronidazole, to name a few. Oral antibiotics are another option that work quickly and help reduce rosacea redness. You should also be careful as to which products you put on your face regularly, and make sure to moisturize daily. Read 18 Best Face Moisturizers for a list of products that readers swear by.

Be sure to wash your face regularly but do not rub the skin, which could possibly irritate your skin. Avoid harsh drying soaps and look for a gentler soap such as Dove or Cetaphil, which help reduce rosacea redness. Stick to non comedogenic face products and stay away from products that contain alcohol, which can be drying and irritating to skin. Avoid getting too hot and sweaty and watch your intake of extremely hot or spicy foods and liquids. You can also wear makeup to cover the redness, preferably makeup that contains a green or yellow tint, which help mask redness more effectively. For more ways to control rosacea, check out How To Treat Rosacea-The Right Way for more tips on how to help your skin look and feel its best, every single day.

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