The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    Whitning Lightning

    I LOVED this product. The first time I used it, I didn't see much as far as immediate results. I was maybe 2 shades lighter? However, the second time I used it I noticed about 3-4 shades above where I was at after the first time. I'm not a fan of the abnormally white smile, so I don't whiten my teeth to that degree. I don't think it looks natural. So I cannot attest to the products ability to moreen to the very lightest shades. However, I can say that my teeth have never looked better, and were barely sensitized for only the first day! The whitening pen extends the results from the light as well. Plus, if you get on their mailing list they send you coupons for %50 off ALL OF THE TIME! I would definitely give this company a try if you're on the fence!
    daynepoo | 24 reviews

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