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    I have been using the Galvanic Spa for 1 1/2 years now and I wouldn't be with out it. It has brought my skin to a healther glow and more radiant complextion. I look younger and feel better too! If you don't have one get one now!!!
    CindyPadget | 2 reviews

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    [email protected]

    The galvanic spa with ageloc is amazing! There is absolutely nothing on the market that even compares. Every time I use my galvanic it is like I have been given the best facial and it feels like a makeover for days. Facials in the spa are expensive and usually by the next day my face is left wanting another one...not with the galvanic! I have seen my hormone induced break outs reduced moreantly and my eye that was drooping is not drooping anymore! And no needles. It is just fantastic. The topper is I use it in my home, whenever I want! Everyone I meet thinks I'm about 28 and I am actually 40years old! LOVE IT!
    dbrandenburg | 1 reviews

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    Love it!

    I am so happy to have my spa! The quality of my skin is soo nice. No more rosacea, no more dryness, no more breakouts. People who haven't seen me in awhile all say, Wow you look so young! Who doesn't want to hear that?!
    soozieq | 1 reviews

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    Just used mine this morning...GREAT PRODUCT!!

    I just used mine this morning. This is one product among many nuskin products that I cannot live without...My skin feels more moisturized, smooth, and those tiny little lines have disappeared :)
    nmcclure | 2 reviews

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    instant results - long term satisfaction

    When I saw what the Galvanic could do to smooth the lines on my hand I was sold, Now, over a year later, my skin is in better condition than it was 10 years ago, As the 52 year old mother of 3 adult daughters I've become accustomed to people mistaking me for one of their sisters. My galvanic get a lot of use daily and it's still performing as it it were new. The product performance has far exceeded the product claims
    diana_ross | 2 reviews

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    AgeLOC Galvanic Spa: The best anti-aging product today.

    I have been using the ageLOC Galvanic Spa with the ageLOC gels since it was released and without a doubt it is amazing. It really is a "wrinkle iron." I give myself an in-home spa treatment every 3 days and now my friends ask me how I manage to look 10 years younger. It's no longer a secret. AgeLOC Galvanic Spa with the ageLOC Gels really is a miracle in the palm of the hand. $8 per treatment as against about $150-$200 in a regular Med Spa. Works for my budget.
    DonBroughton | 2 reviews

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    ageLOC Galvanic Spa Delivers Amazing Results!

    Nu Skin's ageLOC Galvanic Spa is amazing! I've been a faithful user for over a year. And each month, I look younger and younger! This is a MUST-HAVE!
    cdean0109 | 1 reviews

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    Galvanic Spa is Addicting

    I'm a 54 year old male who was introduced to Nu Skin's ageLOC Galvanic Spa with ageLOC Galvanic gels two years ago. I use this device regularly and I'm addicted to it. The tone of my skin, the lack of fine lines and wrinkles and the general feeling of skin vigor is so compelling. There is a distinct difference in my skin, compared to another 54 year old male who is active in outdoor sports. The product rocks and is life-changing.
    scottschwerdt | 1 reviews

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    i used my new galvanic spa yesterday for the first time. It was so so soothing and people noticed after i was done that my face even looked smoother.
    daniel_shaw | 1 reviews

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    Seriously like going to the spa in your own home!

    I am a younger person who you wouldn't think would immediately be worried about wrinkles, but this makes even the smallest imperfections and lines plump up and makes me look like a teenager again! Honestly people comment every time I use my Galvanic, saying how rested and glowing I look. Starting young and hoping I never get to a "bad" stage in my skin, this is definitely my salvation! And it's a morelittle treat, every week I can clear my head and pamper myself without paying a couple hundred dollars at a spa for a procedure I can do myself in my own home.
    kellie_gonzo | 1 reviews

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