The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    I waited a long time before I decided to spend the money on Sigma brushes. I was thinking of getting the cheap brushes I've seen on a certain site. Brushes are brushes, right? How much better could these be from the cheap brushes? Well, I found out. I've been using some cheap brushes along with one MAC brush and a few Sephora brushes. I have to say that these Sigma brushes are so much better! more're soft, yet sturdy. When I got the brushes, I was so excited. When I felt them, they were so incredibly soft. I almost didn't want to wash the brushes because then I'd have to wait a day before using them. But I did wash them and they feel even softer! All my other eyeshadow brushes are either too soft or too firm. These are just right. Eyeshadows go on so smoothly, as opposed to my other brushes that make eyeshadow all blotchy and weird. The angled brush makes blush look so natural. I have another cheap angled brush that I bought at a drugstore and that leaves my cheeks looking blotchy and unnatural. I thought it was the blush, but it was the brush all along! I totally see the difference between my cheap brushes and these Sigma brushes. I also have to say that I prefer the Sigma powder brush to my MAC powder brush. My MAC powder brush feels way too stiff and rough. The Sigma brush is so soft. I love that the brush set comes with an instruction manual. While the numbers of the brushes in the pamphlet aren't the same as the numbers on the brushes, it comes with pictures so you know which brush they're talking about. The brushes are also labeled, so that helps as well. So if you're debating on whether or not you should spend the extra money on these brushes, I say go for it! In actuality, they're really not expensive if you calculate the cost per brush. You also have to factor in the brush roll. Some places charge a lot of money for these empty brush rolls, so it's really a bonus having one that comes with this set. If you get cheap brushes, then you're just going to have to replace them fairly quickly because of the poor quality. You're just going to wind up spending more money because of that. You think you're saving money by buying cheaply made brushes, but in reality you're wasting money. If you take care good care of these brushes, they'll last a very long time. It's a great investment! This brush set has just about everything you need. I totally recommend it!
    OhLaLaChrissy | 33 reviews

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