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  • 10

    Excellent Product

    I've owned my Clarisonic for several years now and I love it. I have extremely sensitive skin so I use it 2-3 times a week with the delicate brush. I love the way it cleans my pores and my skin looks great. It is so much better than a scrub. I highly recommend it.
    klg3566 | 1 reviews

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  • 6

    it simply works

    Even though the price is steep, the results are great and immediate: smooth, clear skin. Absolutely love this product.
    GAYZE1 | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Can't Do Without This!

    This was a birthday gift last year from my husband. Total surprise, had never heard about it myself. (Husband saw it advertised). I was a little skeptical but to be polite used it. Love love love it. Use it twice a day and my skin is so smooth and clear. I travel with it (took it to Lima Peru last month), can't be without the little device. Best birthday gift ever. Well worth the $$$.
    Indy59 | 4 reviews

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  • 9

    My skin hasn't looked this good in 10 years

    After some disastrous experimentation with "natural skin remedies" (peroxide, coconut oil and lying down for 30 minutes with a brown banana peel on my face were all involved), I went to the derm before Christmas desperate for them to help with my miserable, irritated, cystic acne. They gave me the topical stuff and Yaz but I added the Clarisonic on my own. If your wear makeup moreBare Minerals, liquid, whatever--you should buy this product. Period. When you have acne and you are a woman, you are obsessed with covering it. It's like a game--trying to find the perfect products to cover the scars. The "baby-soft skin" perk of using the Clarisonic is silly compared to the real result of even skin tone/texture (no more "hilliness" on my cheeks), 85% reduction in breakouts, and fading of scars. I think it's simple--you get rid of the makeup and dirt, you get rid of the acne. I don't even use moisturizer anymore. Just Colorscience's Line Tamer in the morning (pre-makeup application) and I switch between Rare Minerals and Malic and Mandelic serum at night. Oh, and I use MD Skincare Foaming Cleanser at night before I use the Clarisonic and then I use Malic and Mandelic cleanser with the Clarisonic. I'm 25 and my skin looks better than ever. My only criticism is that the brushes sometimes smell a little dank...but at $25 every 3 months, I'll be saving $$$ for the rest of my life, so it doesn't really matter.
    curly888 | 4 reviews

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  • 2

    I don't get it

    I see no difference yet. I've been using now about 2 weeks, and have the same blackheads I've always had. It does feel good, but I don't think it is really cleaning any better. Not worth the money to me.
    melanie188 | 1 reviews

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  • 10

    Great Product, Worth the Money

    I have dry skin with acne. I deeply cleanses my pores and leaves my skin smooth and soft. Makes moisturizer and makeup go on easily. I own not having acne to it.
    shphifer | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    Can't live without my Clarisonic CLear Skin

    This is one of thsoe products that you wonder will it really live up to the hype. Well I have been using it for almost a year now and I can't go a day without it. If I forget it on a trip I feel grimy and like I just can't get the same glow I get with this. I get compliments on my skin regularly and I know I am doing something healthy for the long term when I use this product. Best part is it's moreterproof and holds a charge for so long you almost forget you have to charge it! SO if you are a skin care person I think you will certainly agree that this one time investment will product long term results and it is SOOOO worth it. : )
    wilkinsonjk | 1 reviews

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  • 9

    There are no words

    Sooo I was told I had to buy this brush, that it was an investment, but it was ABSOLUTELY worth it. I said, ok, I will. That was before I saw the price. LOL. I couldn't believe it. But then I thought about it, I buy face cream for that much, might as well spend it on a tool that doesn't disappear with use! I opted for the 3speed one. The day it arrived I was late getting home and barely mored my face, let alone could try my new brush. So I tried it the next day. Yea so it felt so good on my face I did it several times!!!! I was late for work. My skin, however, looked like it had been polished it was so clear and bright. I no longer have to spend an endless supply of money trying to find the perfect exfoliator or the best mask trying to get my dry skin off. So I only gave it a 9 cause it could be a bit less expensive, but would I give it back, Oh H'll no!
    kaayJD | 1 reviews

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  • 8

    Glad I have it

    I noticed an immediate improvement on how my skin felt when I first started using it 16 months ago. It's great to be able to keep it in the shower and easy to charge when needed. Comfortable shape makes it easy to use. Really makes you feel like you're being good to yourself. A little pricey but I had it on my Christmas list!
    stlmeme | 3 reviews

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  • 10

    I can't live without this!

    I absolutely LOVE this brush! I know it is expensive, but think of all the money you can save by using this brush at home instead of going to get facials! I have blackheads, whiteheads and large pores, but after using this brush, my skin feels so smooth. Especially around the nose area where it felt like sandpaper. I bought one for my friend, and now she's hooked too! We talk about how our morein is so much more soft, smooth, and radiant. I am convinced that this is the best invention ever!
    itsadoozie | 88 reviews

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