The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    Becca's Glossy Lip Tint in Cherrybomb

    For those who are feeling timid about wearing red lipstick, but are still craving the "little red corvette" color to your lip palette, Beccas sheer bright red in Cherrybomb lip gloss is a great alternative. Becca's gloss adds a bright, pure shade of red to my lips and lots of long lasting shine, and I don't feel like this gloss screams to everyone, "Hey look, I am wearing my Mom' more red lipstick!" I also love that this formula feels as good as it looks isn't sticky on your lips. I hate the feeling of opening my mouth and having my lips tug open. Becca's Glossy Lip Tint really lives up to it's claim: "The most comfortable gloss you will ever wear." I'm giving this product a "9" simply because of its price, $23 is a little steep for even a fabulous lip gloss.
    mythbusterbeauty | 34 reviews

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