The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    This is by far the best lip gloss i own as of today!! I was just searching fro stuff online in the summer when I wen to the body shop's website when I spotted these little beauties. They were on sale for only $2 each!! (I later figured out that it was being discontinued) and I bought 2 thinking it was just going to be a cheap little gloss for a lip gloss junkie like me! I got the clearish pink more which give great shine and is good for the natural look and a icy peach color which is my favorite. It is so sparkly and gives an iced look to my lips without seeming to be to overdone. The taste is awesome too, not chemical smelling like some other brands, kinda like peaches and passionfruit. This is my favorite lip gloss and the only I dont like about it is that I didnt buy more at the time!
    cutiepie5389 | 5 reviews

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