The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    Always in my heart

    My first and still my favorite brush. I purchase my first eye pots and shimmers sometime in the late 1990's. No one in my mother's house likes to share combs brushes so I had to buy all of my brushes that day too.
    StacieD | 122 reviews

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  • 10

    High quality- great price!

    You usually have to pay an arm and a leg for high quality make-up brushes, but not with Body Shop. I'm sort of a make-up brush snob so I know that this is a great find! You won't be able to find this type of quality for the price. This and all of the rest of the beauty brushes from Body Shop are an affordable luxury. Which is the best kind of luxury in my book ;)
    jennyofmany | 130 reviews

    This review is:  Helpful  |  Not helpful  |  Inappropriate  |  10 of 12 people said helpful

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