The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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  • 10

    makes my skin glow

    I bought this on sale and I am crazy about the way it invigorates my skin!
    keg | 62 reviews

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  • 6

    Better alternatives

    I received this as a gift and have to say that as it works okay, there are cheaper alternative in the drug store. I was worried about bacteria building up on the buffer and would much rather have a disposable one that I can use a couple of times and then discard. Also, using baking soda with a little bit of water to make a paste exfoliates wonderfully...probably the best scrub ever and super cheap!!
    hollymarie | 26 reviews

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  • 8

    Does what I hoped it would.

    I find myself needing this every so often to get that extra extra clean feel and know for sure that I got any gunk (whether it be makeup or a cleansing mask or whatever) off. It's gentle and works well. Could be prettier though, I guess.
    lovemonster | 13 reviews

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