The Fashion Spot Momtastic
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    Intensely Moisturizing!

    I'm in love with Gel Therapy! Whenever my skin looks like it needs some therapy, I'll put on a nickel sized amount of Gel Therapy to my face for 15 minutes and my skin becomes soft and smooth, bright and beautiful! Not to mention, incredibly hydrated! This is truly my must have product !
    heatheerrlee | 18 reviews

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    Lets face it... (pun intended) not everyone drinks the amount of water that is needed to keep their skin and body hydrated the way it should be. As an esthetician, I feel that Bioelements Gel Therapy is one of the greatest things someone can do for dehydrated or dry skin. Remember, even oily skin needs hydration, and this mask is great for every skin type. It's even good for the around the eye area and lips! Truely quenching.
    Felicia1789 | 4 reviews

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  • 10

    Soothing and Hydrating

    I received a sample of this -- I love it . I applied it after using the Pumice Peel. It is soothing and very hydrating.
    TerriDerryEire | 10 reviews

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